Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

Langkah-Langkah Menginstal Crack

Install ArcGIS 9.3 versi Crack
November 21st, 2008 by Leave a reply »

Setelah sukses melakukan install ArcGIS 9.3 license di kantor, saya diminta untuk melakukan instalasi di laptop seorang teman, namun kali ini menggunakan ArcGIS 9.3 bajakan alias versi crack. Instalasi di lakukan di dalam Windows XP Home original. Teman ini minta tolong karena tidak berhasil menginstall walaupun sudah mengikuti tuntunan yang terdapat di dalam DVD.

Dalam versi crack ini, ternyata tidak hanya diminta untuk melakukan uninstall seluruh program ArcGIS desktop tapi juga License Manager-nya. Paket yang adapun ternyata ArcGIS ArcView, tidak seperti versi 9.2 yang merupakan paket ARcInfo. Saya coba ikuti saja apa yang terdapat dalam tuntunan DVD, sebagai berikut :

1) install “license_server_setup\LMSetup.exe”

and use “license_server_setup\37102011.efl9″ as license file

2) copy *all* files from “license_server_crack\” to the

license server install-dir replacing existing ones

(yes, especially the lic file – the moronic LMSetup.exe sent

the ARC/INFO feature to oblivion *argh*)

3) start the license-server

(you may have to logout/login to make it work)

4) install the application

5) copy “data_interop\fme_license.dat” to

“install-dir\Data Interoperability Extension”

6) start “Desktop Administrator” and

* “Software Product”: choose “ArcInfo (Floating)”

* “License Manager”: change to “localhost”

* “Availability”: select “ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)”,

in the pane below that selection you should see a lot of licenses :-D

7) when starting the different apps for the first time make sure

to select all extensions in the options menu

Ternyata, saat mengikuti langkah ke-enam yaitu diminta mengubah license manager menjadi localhost, proses tersebut gagal. Berulangkali mencoba dan tetap gagal. Lalu saya coba Googling untuk mencari solusi dari masalah tersebut. Akhirnya saya menemukan 31 langkah berikut dibawah ini. Namun yang pertama dan paling utama yaitu mendownload crack yang paling baru untuk menggantikan crack bawaan dari DVD. Download crack tersebut di sini

Kemudian ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :

1- open the “ArcGIS9.3Crack” file

2- open the “License_server_Setup”

3- Run the “Lmsetup.exe”

4- The ArcGIS 9 License Manager Setup windows will pops up

5- Browse the input box

6- select the the “37102011.EFL9″ from the same Directory (ArcGIS9.3Crack/License_server_Setup)

7- click on Next o run the program

8- Dont reboot your system

9- copy *all* files from “license_server_crack” to the license server install-dir in your C:Program files/… (Overwrite all of them)

10- Reboot your System now

11- change the name of “37102011.EFL9″ to “license.lic”

12- Open the new “license.lic” file with your notepad to edit

13- Replace the server name “this_host” with your computer name

14- Open file and save the change

15- copy and Paste “license.lic” in your License server Direction on C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x

16- Now run the “lmtools” from the same directory (in step 15)

17- the “LMTOOLS by acresso Software Inc.” windows will pops up

18- select the “Configuration Using Services”

19- select the “Config Services” tab

20- Leave the service name as shown ” ArcGIS License Manager”

21- In the “Path to the lmgrd.exe file” browse to C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x/lmgrd.exe

22- In the “Path to license file” browse to C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x/license.lic

23- In the “Path to debug log file” just browse and select ” ArcGIS_LM ” from the pops up window

24- Select “Start/Stop/Reread” tab

25- Click on “Start server”

26- Click on “Reread “

27- Now instal the main program

28- Do not register

29- Copy “data_interop\fme_license.dat” to “Program install-dir\Data Interoperability Extension”

30-start “Desktop Administrator” from Start/Programms/ArcGis/Desktop Administrator and do modify it as follow:

* “Software Product”: choose “ArcInfo (Floating)”

* “License Manager”: change to “localhost”(browse to your computer)

* “Availability”: select “ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)”

31- Make sure to select all extensions when starting the different applications for the first time from the Tools/Extension

Dua langkah terakhir tersebut untuk mendapatkan seluruh fungsi extension. Jadi walaupun yang di install adalah ArcGIS ArcView namun yang didapat adalah ArcGIS ArcInfo.

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